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@feathersjs/configuration is a wrapper for node-config to make configuration values available via app.get which can then be used to configure an application.

By default it will look in config/* for default.json. It will be merged with other configuration files in the config/ folder using the NODE_ENV environment variable. So setting NODE_ENV=production will merge config/default.json with config/production.json.

For more information also see the node-config docs.


app.configure(configuration()) loads the configuration from node-config and makes it available via app.get().

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import configuration from '@feathersjs/configuration'

// Use the application root and `config/` as the configuration folder
const app = feathers().configure(configuration())

// Will return 3030 with  `{ "port": 3030 }` in config/default.json


Direct access to nested config properties is not supported via app.get(). To access a nested config property (e.g., use app.get('Customer')

Configuration validation

app.configure(configuration(validator)) loads the configuration from node-config, makes it available via app.get() and validates the original configuration against a Feathers schema validator when app.setup (or app.listen) is called.

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import { Ajv } from '@feathersjs/schema'
import { Type, getValidator } from '@feathersjs/typebox'
import type { Static } from '@feathersjs/typebox'
import configuration from '@feathersjs/configuration'

const configurationSchema = Type.Object(
    port: Type.Number(),
    host: Type.String()
  { $id: 'Configuration', additionalProperties: false }

const configurationValidator = getValidator(configurationSchema, new Ajv())

type ServiceTypes = {}
// Use the schema type for typed `app.get` and `app.set` calls
type Configuration = Static<typeof configurationSchema>

// Use the application root and `config/` as the configuration folder
const app = feathers<ServiceTypes, Configuration>().configure(configuration(configurationValidator))

// Configuration will only be validated now
  .then(() => console.log('Server started'))
  .catch((error) => {
    // Configuration validation errors will show up here

Environment variables

As recommended by node-config, it is possible to override the configuration with custom variables by passing a JSON object in the NODE_CONFIG environment variable:

$ export NODE_CONFIG='{ "port":  8080, "host": "" }'
$ node myapp.js

Individual environment variables can be used through Custom Environment Variables by creating a config/custom-environment-variables.json like this:

  "port": "PORT",
  "mongodb": "MONGOHQ_URL"

Configuration directory

By default, Feathers will use the config/ directory in the root of your project’s source directory. To change this, e.g., if you have Feathers installed under the server/ directory and you want your configuration at server/config/, you have to set the NODE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable in app.js before importing @feathersjs/configuration:

$ export NODE_CONFIG_DIR=server/config
$ node myapp.js


The NODE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable isn’t used directly by @feathersjs/configuration but by the node-config module that it uses. For more information on configuring node-config settings, see the Configuration Files Wiki page.

Released under the MIT License.